
Menampilkan postingan dari Januari, 2019

Sandiaga Uno Call Indonesian Children IDR 13 Million in State Debt, Mrs. Sri Mulyani?

JurnalUpdate . Vice President Candidate number 02 Sandiaga Uno said that every child in the country must now bear the debt burden of Rp. 13 million. Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati also responded with a smile. Met at the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, Jakarta, Wednesday, the reporters asked Sandiaga's accusation, Sri Mulyani responded with a smile and laughter. "He he he," Sri Mulyani said briefly while smiling and turning around to the car. Previously, Sandiaga expressed his concern regarding the current amount of Indonesia's debt. This was said by Sandiaga after visiting Sampangagung Village Chief, Kutorejo, Suhartono who was willing to be jailed for supporting him. Suhartono served his sentence in Lapas Klas IIB Mojokerto, Jalan Taman Siswa. On that occasion Sandiaga said that Indonesia's debt was getting bigger. According to him, if the country's debt is divided equally among the entire population of Indonesia, every child now shares th...

Prabowo calls the Republic of Indonesia the responsibility of IDR 9 million in debt, IDR 13 million for the Sandiaga version

PojokWarta . Calon wakil presiden nomor urut 02 Sandiaga Uno mengungkapkan keprihatinannya terkait jumlah utang Indonesia saat ini. Menurutnya, dengan jumlan utang pemerintah saat ini, setiap anak kecil yang ada di Indonesia menanggung beban utang Rp 13 juta per kepala. Untuk itu, dia mengaku ingin mengurangi beban tersebut jika terpilih dalam kontestasi pilpres 2019 nanti. Caranya dengan memaksimalkan pembangunan infrastruktur tanpa membebani keuangan negara dengan tambahan utang. Namun, nominal utang yang menjadi tanggungan setiap anak di Indonesia versi Sandiaga berbeda dengan yang sebelumnya sempat diucapkan oleh pasangan capresnya, Prabowo Subianto. Beberapa waktu lalu, Prabowo sempat menyebutkan bahwa setiap bayi yang baru lahir di Indonesia saat ini telah menanggung utang Rp 9 juta. Tim sukses Prabowo-Sandiaga hingga Sri Mulyani pun memberikan respons terkait hal tersebut.

In Front of Entrepreneurs Sandiaga Uno Promise to Ease Business Access

KolomFakta . Candidate for Vice President Number 02 Sandiaga Uno promised to provide easy access for local entrepreneurs to develop. This was conveyed by Sandi to entrepreneurs in Surabaya. "Of course we will give access to the businesses of the nation's children, to local workers. We also want that they are given assistance, training, they are given access to capital markets," Sandi said after dialogue with Surabaya businessmen at Namira Hotel, Surabaya, Wednesday. Sandi said that the support from the businessman also gave him a passionate injection. For Sandi, entrepreneurs are part of participatory politics. In addition, Sandi assessed, support from employers is also a great desire of people who want change. This is an extraordinary addition to the motivation that we think is part of participatory politics. "Here we see that the politics of change is increasingly voiced by the public," he continued. Not only that, Sandi promised himself and Prabowo would brin...

in Surabaya, Sandi was asked to support IDR 6.1 million

WartaJurnal . Vice President Sandiaga Uno attended the opening of the victory post for the Rumah Kemaslahatan on Jalan Darmokali, Surabaya. On this event, Sandi gets a lot of 'saweran'. Sandi claims that Saweran is a way of politics now. When campaigning, Sandi admitted that he often got saweran. For the total price this time, Sandi received Rp. 6,109,000. "At every meeting I am always welcome. So I don't want to be like old age politics, now the politics of the time is that we are disputed and this amounts to Rp. 6 million 109 thousand, from the volunteer chairman here we get Rp. 98 thousand," said Sandi after inaugurating the post of the Rumah Kemaslahatan on Jalan Darmokali on Wednesday. Sandi added that financial support from volunteers was then collected in one account. The account was called the struggle fund managed by the Prabowo-Sandi National Winning Body. "All of this is collected, put into the struggle fund account under the National Winning Body ...

Sandiaga: This is New Millennial, Kagumi Drone by Vocational School Students

FaktaId . Moving to Sidoarjo, vice president number 2, Sandiaga Uno was invited to look at the results of the UMKM exhibited in Tanggulangin District, Sidoarjo Regency. One of the highlights of Sandi is a drone made by a Vocational student named Fatchiano AM (19) and his colleagues. When asked about its usefulness, the teenager who is familiarly called Vino explained that this drone is one of the latest technologies in agriculture. "This drone is very helpful for farmers, because in a short time it is able to fertilize or eradicate pests in a short time," explained Vino in the Vice President Dialogue with MSMEs, Millennial Generation and village group meetings throughout Sidoarjo on Wednesday. According to Vino, with this drone, the process of spraying pesticides and fertilizers on one hectare of agricultural land can be done in just 15 minutes. After listening to Vino's explanation, Sandiaga also claimed to be impressed with the work of the Ponorogo SMK PGRI 2. "I a...

Different Data with Prabowo, Sandiaga: Essentially RI Has Debt Problems

NasionalIndonesia . Vice President number 02 Sandiaga Uno had a different statement from his partner, Prabowo Subianto, about the amount of debt borne by Indonesians. According to Sandi, even though the numbers delivered were different from Prabowo's, Indonesia essentially had a debt problem. "It depends on the exchange rate itself when it is calculated when he (Prabowo) calls it," Sandiaga told reporters at the Da'wah Council Building, Jalan Kramat Raya, Central Jakarta, Wednesday. Password does not feel there is a difference of opinion with the partner. He said the point is Indonesia has the same problem, namely debt. "But the point is that we have a debt problem already above Rp. 5,000 trillion and we inherit it to our children and grandchildren," Sandi said. According to Sandiaga Uno, every child in the country must now bear the burden of the country's debt of Rp. 13 million. He said that this was related to the large use of debt by the government in...

Sandiaga Took the Supporting Village Head in Mojokerto Prison

PojokId . In addition to campaigning, Vice President number 2 Sandiaga Uno also visited the Sampangagung Village Chief, Kutorejo Subdistrict, Suhartono, who was detained in Mojokerto Class IIB Lapas due to an election crime. Sandiaga's entourage arrived at the Lapas located on Jalan Taman Siswa, Purwotengah Village, Kranggan Sub-District, Mojokerto City at 14.47 WIB. Wearing a blue polo shirt bearing 02 on his left shoulder, Sandiaga went straight into the prison to visit Suhartono. When visiting the village head who is familiarly called Nono, Sandiaga was accompanied by 10 people, including Suhartono's wife, Prabowo-Sandi National Jurkam Irfan Yusuf, 4 Prabowo-Sandi Friends, and a number of Prabowo-Sandi Winning Body members. The arrival of Sandiaga in prison was also welcomed by dozens of mothers. In addition, around 200 Sahabat Prabowo-Sandi volunteers, Kopassandi volunteers, and Realistic PAS TBI also welcomed the arrival of the former Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta. There ...

BPN: Pedicab drivers to motorcycle taxi donate Prabowo-Sandi Campaign Funds

LiputanNet . The National Winning Body (BPN) Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Uno submitted campaign finance reports to the KPU with a total of Rp. 54 billion. The funds come from donations given by pedicab drivers to motorcycle taxi drivers. "At least 8,000 rupiahs will be provided by pedicab drivers, drivers of motorcycle taxi will contribute, and we are grateful," said Director of Material and Debate of Prabowo-Sandiaga, Sudirman Said at the KPU office, Jl Imam Bonjol, Central Jakarta, Wednesday. The presence of pedicab drivers and motorcycle taxi drivers who participate in the event, said Sudirman, shows the number of people who want change. Both from the upper class and lower classes. "This is not a matter of number but about the enthusiasm of the community to welcome change. And I counted Mr. Sandi had come to nearly 1,000 points, 970 so and Mr. Prabowo. I think maybe half of that was there because he was more strategically located. Imagine one place donating the communit...

Story Behind Habib Rizieq Declaration of 2019 Change of President in Jabal Rahmah

IdNasional . Habib Rizieq Syihab along with a number of Indonesian citizens held a declaration of '2019 replace the president' in Jabal Rahmah. Apparently there is a story behind it. Chairperson of the Alumni Brotherhood (PA) 212 Slamet Maarif said the activity was not the initiative of Habib Rizieq Syihab. But it is precisely the Indonesian citizens who settled in Mecca who had their initial ideas. "HRS (Habib Rizieq Syihab) as an invitation," Slamet Maarif told reporters on Wednesday. Regarding the choice of place of declaration in Jabal Rahmah, Slamet also explained that it was not Habib Rizieq Syihab's personal consideration. Again, the selection of the declaration was also the idea of ​​the Indonesian people in Mecca present. "The friends there determine the place," Slamet said, asked about the reason for the election of Jabal Rahmah as the declaration place. Jabal Rahmah is a small hill in the middle of the Arafah field which always captures the at...

When Sandiaga Gives Motivation to Mother-Daughter UMKM Players in Surabaya

JurnalHub . Beginning in 2019, Candidate for Vice President of Republic of Indonesia number 02, Sandiaga Uno gives motivation to the mother-mother. The mothers are food vendors to MSMEs in Urip Sumoharjo Foodcourt, Surabaya. During his visit on this holiday, Sandi said this was his appreciation for MSMEs who remained resilient working on holidays. "In Jakarta I used to call Street Vendors (PKLs) become Independent Creative Traders (PKM). When big entrepreneurs are still sleeping, they are still on holiday but traditional entrepreneurs, small entrepreneurs, market traders have started. 24 hours they become the backbone of the family, "Sandi said during a dialogue with MSMEs in Urip Sumoharjo Foodcourt, Surabaya, on Tuesday. On the same occasion, Sandi assessed that Indonesia was experiencing economic development difficulties. This is because the government is too busy building infrastructure to burden the country's debt. Sandi suggested the government should focus more on ...

Sandiaga Wants To Exemplify The Nature Of Sunan Ampel, At Pilgrimage Pilgrimage

JurnalFakta . Candidate for Vice President of Republic of Indonesia number 02 Sandiaga Uno starts the new year 2019 by campaigning in East Java. One of the agenda is to visit the Tomb of Sunan Ampel in Surabaya. Wearing a white koko shirt, Sandi prayed and recited at the tomb of one of Wali Songo's. After the pilgrimage, Sandi said he wanted to emulate the nature and leadership of Sunan Ampel. "Providing benefits for the surrounding community and the universe. And continuing to emulate the people who hope that their presence will be blessed by Allah SWT," Sandi said at the tomb complex of Sunan Ampel in Surabaya on Tuesday. Asked about the nature of what Sunan Ampel wanted to emulate, Sandi added that the figure of Sunan Ampel was a spreader of religious teachings in a wise way. "Surely how Wali Songo spread the teachings so wisely and there was also wisdom to unite all of them and provide of course approaches with the people's economy built so that there was ind...

Renowned University Alumni Support, Sandiaga Uno Please Reduce Issues Through IT

KolomMedia . Candidate number 02 vice president Sandiaga Uno opened a winning command post for Rumah Kemaslahatan on Jalan Darmokali, Surabaya City. In between the inauguration, Sandi said supporters who were present were mostly alumni from well-known universities. In his speech, Sandi said there were several alumni of Airlangga University (Airlangga University), Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) Surabaya, and Gajah Mada University (UGM). Sandi also called for the Chairman of the East Java Chamber of Commerce and Industry Alim Tualeka who was present at the inauguration of his winning post. Yes here because most of them are alumni from several major universities here. "They can help in terms of IT guarding the election," Sandi said after inaugurating the Rumah Kemaslahatan post at Jalan Darmokali, Surabaya, Wednesday. According to Sandi, today many people are disturbed by the rise of negative issues surrounding the election. For this reason, Sandi said he needed ...

In Mojokerto Market, Sandiaga: Prabowo-Sandi Is Not Liked by Large Investors

LensaAktual . In the course of the jihad resolution, Cawapres Sandiaga Uno stopped by absorbing the aspirations of the people in Kedungmaling Market, Mojokerto. To market visitors, he called the Prabowo-Sandi pair not liked by large investors. This was said by Sandi when responding to the complaint of a sugar cane farmer, Taman, regarding the rise of imported sugar which damaged local sugar prices. He admitted that all this time the Indonesian economy was controlled by the food mafia. There are cartels that encourage food import policies. For this reason, Sandi promised to create a strong and firm government to suppress imports. The Jakarta Deputy Governor was inactive and promised to protect the domestic market from imported food products. "Please pray, Sir, Prabowo-Sandi is not liked by large investors, not favored by the economies that have spoiled us. Choose what number? In the same location, Sandi also received questions regarding the Oke Oce program application from a young ...

Sandiaga Mention Indonesian Economy Mastered by Food Mafia

BuletinDigital . On the way to the resolution of the jihad resolution, Vice President Sandiaga Uno stopped by to absorb the aspirations of the people in Kedungmaling Market, Sooko, Mojokerto. To the residents, he called the Prabowo-Sandi pair not liked by large investors. This was said by Sandiaga when responding to the complaint of a sugar cane farmer, Taman, regarding the rise of imported sugar which damaged local sugar prices. He explained, during this time the Indonesian economy was controlled by the food mafia. There are cartels that encourage food import policies. For this reason, Sandiaga promised to create a strong and firm government to suppress imports. The Jakarta Deputy Governor was inactive and promised to protect the domestic market from imported food products. "Please pray, sir, Prabowo-Sandi is not liked by large investors, not liked by the economies that have spoiled us. What number do you choose?" Sandiaga said, shouted by Number Two if he was resident on Mo...

Sandiaga Uno will Decrease 2 Weeks Once, To Reach Voice in East Java

ChannelNasional . Cawapres 02 Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno considers the opportunity to gain votes in East Java in the small 2019 Presidential Election. Even so, he remains optimistic that he can achieve optimal results. For that, he claimed he would work harder and routinely go down to East Java at least every two weeks. "East Java needs to work hard. I will go down every two weeks, because I will continue to capture people's aspirations," Sandiaga Uno said when greeting traders in Pasar Krian on Monday. By absorbing the aspirations of the East Java people, he hopes to find a solution to the difficulties faced by the community so far. For a brief visit to Pasar Krian, for example, he was immediately invaded by the Ma'am traders who complained about the soaring prices of basic necessities which caused the economy to become sluggish. "This is what we have to deal with with economic policies at the central level that are more in favor of traders, to buyers, to the peopl...